The latest Castle Nathria deck I played is an absurdly silly Big Tinyfin Demon Hunter, where the goal is to use Abyssal Depths to tutor out Kael’Thas and Murloc Tinyfin, allowing you to reliably cheat crazy stuff into play early.
Deck List: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAaWrBAaHiwTboAT%2BvwS%2FzgTp0AS%2B8AQMve0DoO4DivcDhI0E%2BJQEgJ8Etp8Ex6wE8rEEvsoE0%2BUErO0EAA%3D%3D
Deck Code: AAECAaWrBAaHiwTboAT+vwS/zgTp0AS+8AQMve0DoO4DivcDhI0E+JQEgJ8Etp8Ex6wE8rEEvsoE0+UErO0EAA==
Deck Power Level: Fun
Guide to Deck Power Levels: https://bit.ly/3gvE7Fh
#CastleNathria #CastleNathriaDecks #regiskillbin
Hearthstone | Deck Spotlight | Cheat out crazy BIG boards with a TINY murloc.