Can This Deck Really Work? (Star Aligner Galakrond Warrior) | Descent of Dragons | Wild Hearthstone
Star Aligner Galakrond Warrior is a deck that developed for Standard by Chump and ported to Wild by SwaguarTV. The idea is to hit multiple low-cost minions with 3 health off Galakrond and follow it with Star Aligner. Usually, early game chip damage gets opponents to the point where this can finish them off.
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### C H U M P
# Class: Warrior
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Eternium Rover
# 1x (1) Sir Finley Mrrgglton
# 2x (1) Spirit of the Rhino
# 2x (1) Town Crier
# 2x (1) Warbot
# 2x (2) Ritual Chopper
# 2x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 2x (3) Awaken!
# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
# 2x (4) Devoted Maniac
# 2x (4) Dread Corsair
# 2x (4) Frenzied Felwing
# 2x (4) Scion of Ruin
# 2x (5) Shield of Galakrond
# 1x (6) Kronx Dragonhoof
# 1x (7) Galakrond, the Unbreakable
# 2x (7) Star Aligner
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Enjoy the gameplay!
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