Since Righteousness was added to the game I thought I’d try to make it work. It’s not very good, but the shell of the deck is actually promising. It’s very similar to the token paladin I was playing earlier, but this takes a blood knight approach to it. Silver Sword is huge, Glowstone Tech is huge, Blood Knight eating shields is massive!
I’m streaming on Twitch.tv — check it out: https://www.twitch.tv/dekkster
v1.0 (righteousness and paragon of light): AAECAZ8FCK8EgwXyBfUF7vcCoIADsqwDn7cDC/MFqwb27ALh8AL+8wKY+wL2/QLZ/gLd/gKMgAPHnQMA
v1.1 (has righteousness, added cloakscales):
not-so-righteous token (1.2 – no righteousness): AAECAZ8FBq8EgwXyBYT8AqCAA5+3AwzzBfUFqwb27ALh8AKY+wK2+wL2/QLZ/gLd/gKMgAPHnQMA
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