Big Priest NEEDS to be Nerfed! | Wild Big Priest | Hearthstone Rise of Shadows

Big Priest is a Problem and there are many reasons why!

But not just Big Priest should receive a Nerf, other Cards we see in Wild deserve a Nerf as well. It is not just Barnes on 4 in various Classes but also Vargoth himself causing me to just concede the game and find a new opponent. While Big Priest definitely gets the most blame, Darkest Hour is a Coin Flip to win games, Cold light Oracle getting copied infinite times, Jade Idol´s existence and many more cards are just straight up BS

But here is the thing. It is easy to complain about Big Priest and other Cards being overpowered, broken or just not fun to play against. It is harder to come up with solutions on how to fix wild as a format. One of my ideas would be to release a Ban List like in Yu-Gi-Oh on which either limitations are set for a card or the card not being able to be used in ranked anymore. I wonder what the point of the Hall of Fame is when it literally means: Thrown into Wild. Bad that from ladder, Blizzard. Don´t just move it…

Let me hear your thoughts on the most annoying cards, what should be nerfed in which way and how we can make Team 5 realize that they should finally address those problems

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Background Music & Outro – [No Copyright Music] Chill Lofi
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#Hearthstone #BigPriest #Nerf