DECK CODES IN DESCRIPTION — these are some of the standout decks from the first day. There are a TON of crazy decks right now and the meta is unstable. CRAFT WITH CAUTION!!!
I’m streaming on Twitch.tv — check it out: https://www.twitch.tv/dekkster
Pizza’s R10 Tempo Mage:
Tempo Mage has been my favorite so far. Zoo was also good but Im starting to see what puzzle box is all about.
AAECAf0EBPisA8W4A427A5LLAw2rBLQE5gSfmwPimwP/nQP7rAP9rAP4zAOFzQPNzgOk0QP30QMA # # pic.twitter.com/hGRwe6vcdH
— Andrew Denniser (@PizzaTCG) August 7, 2020
LiquidOx R17 Libram Paladin:
Obligatory Day 1 Deck Tweet.
This deck won games and will be bad in a week.Can i play fall guys now? pic.twitter.com/lb664Kcj6q
— Ox (@LiquidOxHs) August 6, 2020
Paperninjas’ R3 Highlander Priest:
10-2 to rank 3 with Highlander Priest (won 2 games on mobile.) You can scam druid with Murozond and Mindrender.
Code- AAECAafDAx4e3AGQAskG0wqwkQOClAOYmwPrmwP8owOZqQParAOFrQPNrwOOsQORsQPjtAOTugObugOvugP0uwPIvgPIwAOzzAPbzAOczQPLzQPj0QP70QOm1QMAAA== pic.twitter.com/mCRg6nDikI
— PaperninjaHS (@Paperninja20) August 6, 2020
jrsConley’s R18 Tempo Rogue:
Nohandsgamer’s R30ish Pain Warlock:
My day 1 most played deck. Pain Warlock is super fun and favored against druid. Peaked 30ish legend. Made a youtube vid with highlights:https://t.co/iIw5csEb5n
Deck code:
AAECAaPDAwKTAf/OAw4wzgfCCPukA/2kA4GlA7W5A7a5A8u5A5vNA9fOA8HRA8zSA83SAwA= pic.twitter.com/nHbmsgIosR— Nohandsgamer (@Nohandsgamer) August 7, 2020
Charon’s R36 Guardian Animals Druid:
little update with the dragon package. I feel more consistent, regular curve, always good draws. I don't think i need roar, but we draw fast, maybe Zephrys is a good idea.
Mountseller is still the nuts and i think Kael Thas + 10 mana spells are good for trolden =) pic.twitter.com/1xvzfQmLPi— Charon (@HSCharon) August 7, 2020
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Outro Song: Slip by Geographer
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#Hearthstone #ScholomanceAcademy #Dekkster
About Dekkster
Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool decks, this is the channel for you!
Best 6 Decks SO FAR in Scholomance Academy – Hearthstone Expansion