DECK CODES IN DESCRIPTION — these are some of the standout decks from the first day. There are a TON of demon hunters right now, hopefully we find a consistent way to counter them!
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てっぺ’s Rank 91 Legend Libram Paladin
Tweet: https://twitter.com/CX1JoQysNLpNvxu/status/1247801743653519360
Code: AAECAZ8FCPoB0gSQB4qaA7SbA/y4A666A4TBAwvcA/YH8qUDiK4DyrgD+7gD/bgD6rkD67kD7LkDysEDAA==
Furyhunter’s Rank 1 Legend Demon Hunter
Tweet: https://twitter.com/Furyhunterhs/status/1247676107345838083
Code: AAECAea5AwTMugPmuwPDvAONvQMNh7oDi7oDyboDvbsD4LwDusYDx8YD2cYD1cgD18gD98gD+cgD/8gDAA==
Salad_mansion Rank 51 Legend w/ Jambre’s Evolve Galakrond Shaman
Tweet: https://twitter.com/salad_mansion/status/1247733099095568385
Code: AAECAaoIAuO0A9PAAw7uBrSXA8aZA9SlA/mlA9ipA7etA7mtA/6uA6qvA9CvA9u4A924A+G4AwA=
Sooyoung Rank 2 Legend Priest
Tweet: https://twitter.com/Sooyoung_DotA/status/1247743439162060818
Code: AAECAZ/HAgaKB9aZA5ObA9GlA9jCA6bVAwzJBtMKgpQDmZsDoaEDr6UD8qUDmakD2awD8qwD/bADk7oDAA==
Zalae Rank 2 Legend Demon Hunter OTK
Tweet: https://twitter.com/ZalaeHS/status/1247685285002928128
造物者七星教’s rank 66 legend Quest Warlock
Tweet: https://twitter.com/geyuan6_hs/status/1247732102272970753
Code: AAECAf0GDsUE2wbcBooHjQjECOujA/yjA5GxA/O3A8S5A9a5A+2+A+6/AwijAdqWA9qbA/qkA7ulA+WsA+usA+ysAwA=
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Outro Song: Slip by Geographer
Testing how tags in the description affect the views of the video. In theory all the words in here help to rank the video and show it to more people so lets try this.
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#AshesOfOutland #Hearthstone #Dekkster
About Dekkster
Hey, I’m Dekkster and I play games. If you like Hearthstone gameplay and watching cool quests, this is the channel for you. Enjoy!
Best 6 Decks SO FAR in Ashes of Outland – Hearthstone Expansion