The goal of this Wild Hearthstone Ramp Druid OTK combo deck is to use Weasel Tunneler combined with Unending Swarm! We do this by destroying many copies of Weasel Tunneler throughout the game. Then, we play double Knife Juggler, Umbra, Solar Eclipse, and Unending Swarm for the OTK! Super fun meme deck! Good luck!
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/markmckz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/markmckz
Discord: https://discord.gg/Mup3kRj
Decklists: https://outof.cards/members/markmckz/decks
Use Creator Code MarkMcKz for Epic Game Store Purchases and Fortnite V-Buck spending!
Deck Code:
### Weezer
# Class: Druid
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Aquatic Form
# 1x (1) Sphere of Sapience
# 2x (1) Weasel Tunneler
# 2x (2) Capture Coldtooth Mine
# 2x (2) Dew Process
# 2x (2) Knife Juggler
# 2x (2) Living Seed (Rank 1)
# 2x (2) Moonlit Guidance
# 2x (2) Solar Eclipse
# 2x (3) Northshire Farmer
# 2x (3) Oracle of Elune
# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
# 1x (4) Spiritsinger Umbra
# 1x (4) Twig of the World Tree
# 2x (4) Widowbloom Seedsman
# 1x (5) Wildheart Guff
# 2x (6) Unending Swarm
# 1x (10) N’Zoth, the Corruptor
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
#Hearthstone #MarkMcKz