Custom Hearthstone Cards – Rise of Shadows Mini-set – Bunch of Twinspells! #hearthstone

Introducing “Dalaran Heist: Rise of Shadows”, a custom Hearthstone miniset where the League of E.V.I.L. unleashes their most daring schemes on the magical city of Dalaran. With new powerful spells, crafty minions, and epic treasures, both heroes and villains will battle for control in this high-stakes showdown!

Totem Painting is a versatile and efficient buff spell, offering strong early-game value. The random bonus effect adds unpredictability, making it potentially high-impact for totem synergies while keeping it balanced by the RNG element.

Quick Stab provides Rogue with precise, zero-cost removal for early-game board control, but the restriction to undamaged minions prevents it from being overpowered. The Twinspell effect adds extra value, allowing for efficient tempo plays across multiple turns.

Quick Heal offers flexible, zero-cost healing for Priest, providing strong sustain without a mana investment. An excellent tool for maintaining board presence or delaying damage over multiple turns, though it might risk being too efficient at zero cost.

Cleanse is a powerful 1-mana Paladin spell that can neutralize key threats by setting a minion’s Attack to 0 for a turn, offering strong temporary board control. The Twinspell effect adds additional utility, allowing it to be used across two turns, making it a flexible and efficient tool for delaying or mitigating damage.

Reanimate is a strong value generator for Death Knight, turning corpses into 2/2 Ghouls with Rush, which provides both board presence and removal. It’s a highly efficient tool for both tempo swings and maintaining pressure across turns.

Boom Kick offers Warrior a versatile 2-mana spell that deals 1 damage while summoning a 1/1 Boom Bot, adding potential for explosive removal with its deathrattle. The Twinspell provides extra value, letting you repeat the effect for additional board control and pressure, synergizing well with damage-based Warrior strategies.

From powerful Twinspells to epic synergy! Thank you for watching my vid, and pls subscribe if you want more! 🙂
#hearthstone #customcards #dalaranheist