A lot of people have been asking me if Hearthstone is dead and if I’ve given up on the game. So I wanted to share my thoughts on the state of the game in 2023 and beyond.
Video Chapters
0:00 The Story So Far
2:52 Where I Stand
5:06 Do People Still Play?
6:40 Corporate Cutbacks
7:39 Layoffs
8:43 Esports
10:45 Fireside Gatherings
11:20 Production Values
13:18 Major Challenges
14:15 Marvel Snap
16:02 China
17:00 Competitors
17:51 Game Modes
20:42 Bots
22:15 Features
23:27 Design
25:32 Balance
28:54 What Does it Mean?
31:42 What Gets Cut Next?
33:50 Microsoft Changes
36:14 Closing Thoughts
News | Hearthstone | Is Hearthstone dead?? Have I quit playing? Let’s talk about it!