I CAN’T Keep Getting AWAY WITH IT!

The goal of this Wild Hearthstone Bug Hunter OTK combo deck is to use Masked Reveler combined with Flark’s Boom-Zooka! We do this by playing an extremely greedy big deathrattle Hunter deck! Then, we use cards like Flark’s Boom-Zooka, Maxima Blastenheimer, and Jewel of N’Zoth to overwhelm the opponent! Super fun meme deck! Good luck!

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/markmckz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/markmckz
Discord: https://discord.gg/Mup3kRj
Decklists: https://outof.cards/members/markmckz/decks

Use Creator Code MarkMcKz for Epic Game Store Purchases and Fortnite V-Buck spending!

Deck Code:

### What a Party!
# Class: Hunter
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Flare
# 2x (1) Tracking
# 2x (2) Explosive Trap
# 2x (3) Stag Charge
# 2x (3) Wild Spirits
# 1x (5) Feugen
# 1x (5) Stalagg
# 1x (6) Beaststalker Tavish
# 2x (6) Masked Reveler
# 1x (6) Maxima Blastenheimer
# 1x (7) Flark’s Boom-Zooka
# 2x (7) Silver Vanguard
# 2x (8) Jewel of N’Zoth
# 1x (8) Kel’Thuzad
# 2x (8) Mo’arg Forgefiend
# 2x (8) Plagued Protodrake
# 1x (8) Sneed’s Old Shredder
# 1x (10) Neptulon the Tidehunter
# 2x (10) Scrapyard Colossus
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

#Hearthstone #MarkMcKz