The goal of this Wild Hearthstone Hero Power Rogue OTK combo deck is to use Shadowcrafter Scabbs combined with Yoink! We do this by playing Scabbs, double Mukla’s Champion, double Southsea Deckhand, Garrison Commander, Hero Power, Hero Power, Yoink, Hero Power, Hero Power, Hero Power, Hero Power, Yoink, Hero Power, Hero Power, Hero Power, Hero Power for the OTK! Super fun meme deck! Good luck!
Thank you to ManaCrab for this deck idea!
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Deck Code:
### Yoinkies
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Backstab
# 2x (0) Preparation
# 2x (1) Blackwater Cutlass
# 2x (1) Brain Freeze
# 2x (1) Secret Passage
# 2x (1) SI:7 Extortion
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (1) Yoink!
# 2x (2) Dirty Tricks
# 1x (2) Garrison Commander
# 2x (2) Swindle
# 2x (3) Efficient Octo-bot
# 2x (3) Shroud of Concealment
# 2x (4) Cloak of Shadows
# 2x (5) Mukla’s Champion
# 1x (8) Shadowcrafter Scabbs
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
#Hearthstone #FracturedInAlteracValley