KEL’THUZAD VS SOLARIAN & MOROZOND!! Thief Rogue is RIDICULOUS! | Ashes of Outland | Hearthstone

While trying to build a Transfer Student Quest Rogue that had some fun with Plague generation, I accidentally stumbled into this absolutely bonkers game. I wanted to concede a few minutes in, and I had virtually zero chance to win throughout, but the burgle gods decided to give me a chance!

Decklist: AAECAZvDAwSPlwOnqAPBrgP7xAMNr5EDkJcD+5oD/poDoaED9acDragDt64DzLkDzrkD0LkDub4Dw8wDAA==
Deck Level: Fun
Guide to Deck Levels:

#AshesOfOutland #Highlights #RegisKillbin

Highlight | Hearthstone | KEL’THUZAD VS SOLARIAN & MOROZOND!! Thief Rogue is RIDICULOUS!