We found a new otk that allows you to have infinite time and infinite damage and all it needs is 6 combo pieces. it was absolutely cray cray you won’t believe it omg so cool Poggers
Deck Code:
TWITCH ►► https://www.twitch.tv/Solem
TWITTER ►► https://twitter.com/solemHS
DISCORD ►► https://discord.gg/H5VKA39
REDDIT ►► https://www.reddit.com/r/Solem/
Some tags, pls ignore 🙂
hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks, best wild hearthstone decks, hearthstone legend decks, hearthstone best deck, best hearthstone decks ,solem hearthstone, solemhs, solem, standard, ashes of outland, demon hunter, year of the phoenix, hearthstone demon hunter, wild warlock, warlock deck wild, combo warlock
#WildHearthstone #Hearthstone #Solem