Turns out that Lion is a good card after all | Solem Hearthstone

Want a New Tier 1 deck that can easily reach legend, here you go! Egg Hunter with or without Sylvanas is fairly powerful right now and tons of fun. Not sure if Houndmaster Shaw is needed but in the games we played he was more of an extra than a necessary card


(Eggs, Albatross and Sylvanas):

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Some tags, pls ignore 🙂

hearthstone, hs, wild hearthstone, wild hearthstone decks, best wild hearthstone decks, hearthstone legend decks, hearthstone best deck, best hearthstone decks ,solem hearthstone, solemhs, solem, standard, ashes of outland, demon hunter, year of the phoenix, hearthstone demon hunter, egg hunter, teron gorefiend, wild hunter


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