The goal of this Hearthstone Reno Handbuff Paladin OTK combo deck is to use Conviction combined with small chargers! We do this by handbuffing Stonetusk Boar, Bluegill Warrior, Arcane Golem, Argent Horserider, Wolfrider, Chillblade Champion, Old Murk-Eye, and Leeroy Jenkins. Then, we play as many as we can plus Conviction for the OTK! Super fun meme deck! Good luck!
Thank you to HuYuFuLing2 for this deck idea!
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Михаил Батомункуев
Deck Code: AAEBAYsWHqEC0gOvBIgFpwXgBeMF1hG6E7O7ApW8Ave8AvfQAv7zAoT8Atn+At3+AqCAA+KJA+qJA4OhA/yjA5WmA5asA8rBA5PQA8zrA+PrA6iKBKqKBAAA
#Hearthstone #OTK #UnitedinStormwind