#Hearthstone #Battlegrounds #dogdog
Thanks to Phen in the comments for providing timestamps
0:00 Intro
0:34 Guff Runetotoem
1:22 Sky Cap’n Kragg
2:24 Mr. Bigglesworth
3:45 Hooktusk
4:45 Lich Baz’hial
6:23 Lord Barov
7:11 Reno Jackson
8:52 Death Speaker Blackthorn
10:54 Fungalmancer Flurgl
12:40 Infinite Toki
14:16 Pyramad
15:27 Alextraza
16:46 Patchwork
18:57 Millhouse Manastorm
19:50 Tamsin Roame
20:47 Cariel Roame
21:24 Forest Warden Omu
23:15 Captain Eudora
26:12 George the Fallen
24:42 Kael’thas
27:31 AFKay
28:19 Y’Shaarj
29:53 King Mukla
31:23 Dancin’ Deryl
32:20 The Lich King
34:06 The Great Akazamzarak
35:17 Xyrella
36:55 Tess Greymane
38:28 Millificent Manastorm
40:09 Maiev Shadowsong
41:05 Tavish Stormpike New Hero
41:47 Trade Prince Gallywix
43:10 Sir Finley Mrrgglton
44:06 Zephys, the Great
46:20 Arrana Starseeker
47:51 The Rat King
49:40 Chenvaala
51:24 Vanndar Stormpike New Hero
52:38 C’Thun
53:28 Mutanus the Devourer
54:24 Ragnaros the Firelord
56:24 Cookie the cook
57:26 Scabbs Cutterbutter
58:48 Yogg’Saron
59:57 Sneed
1:01:01 Galewing
1:02:26 Malygos
1:03:40 Drek’Thar New Hero
1:04:47 Greybough
1:06:25 Tikatus
1:08:03 Queen Wagtoggle
1:08:42 Overlord Saurfang
1:10:28 N’Zoth
1:12:30 Galakrond
1:13:34 Patches the pirate
1:15:16 Rakanishu
1:16:30 Ysera
1:17:55 Jaraxxus
1:18:47 Vol’jin
1:21:16 Brann
1:22:39 Shudderwock
1:23:21 Edwin VanCleef
1:24:20 Bru’Kan New Hero
1:26:18 Deathwing
1:26:58 The Curator
1:28:00 Jandice Barov
1:29:20 Arch-Villain Rafaam
1:29:59 Nozdormu
1:31:52 Kurtrus Ashfallen
1:33:08 Elise Starseeker
1:34:50 Silas Darkmoon
1:36:48 Illidan Stormrage
1:38:06 Al’Akir
1:38:55 Master Ngyuen
1:40:10 Sindragosa
Music provided by Lofi Girl
– Listen: bit.ly/lofigirI-playlists
📺 – https://www.twitch.tv/dogdog
🐦 – https://www.twitter.com/dogdog
📷 – https://www.instagram.com/liquid_hsdog/
⏯ – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwpQK8F601TloWNHzyZqrOKFhuxWXC8-Q
Edited by – https://www.twitter.com/zenronthegreat
If you see a game on stream and think it needs to be highlighted, feel free to contact me on discord at Zenron#4227