The 35 Golden Legendary Deck is the most expensive deck in hearthstone and probably one of the worst as well. Winning with a deck in this style is quite hard considering that you have close to no synergy outside of cards like Reno and Zephrys as the deck only contains one offs. Spending 96.000 Dust on this deck is one of the worst investments you can make, so go ahead and craft it
This is more a meme than a real deck and yes, there would be a better version of this if I had more golden legendaries than the ones in here. As of now I got 61 golden legendaries and well, not many of them are under 5 mana which explains things like Prince Keleseth in here. We need some sort of early game, even if it is worse than River Crocolisk
That being said, Merry Christmas to all of you, Deck Code is down below (idk why actually) and Happy Holidays to you! Also, join the Discord ➥ https://discord.gg/H5VKA39
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