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This new Curse Warlock deck has a 100% WR with this crazy new deck from the hearthstone mini set, onyxia’s lair, in fractured in alterac valley expansion!
🍌Deck Code 🍌
Mobile Deck Code (please upvote it as well to help support me!): https://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1403772-new-curse-warlock
0:00 start
0:16 Intro
1:34 Gameplay
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HSreplay Deck Tracker:
This new Curse Warlock deck has a 100% WR with this crazy new deck from the hearthstone mini set, onyxias lair, in fractured in alterac valley expansion! This curse warlock hearthstone deck is not just a meme hearthstone deck! I went 100% WR with this new curse warlock deck! This new curse of agony hearthstone deck from onyxias lair mini set is really fun too and it can even be an otk hearthstone deck! The deck is similar to a quest warlock hearthstone deck but instead, we’re using warlock mini set deck cards in this hand warlock deck to make this an off meta warlock deck! Quest Warlock decks are more popular but this curse warlock deck surprises everyone with this alterac valley mini set deck similar to a hand warlock hearthstone deck! I hope you enjoy this off meta hearthstone deck made by funki monki hearthstone in the new onyxia’s lair mini set!
In this video, we’re not playing (Hearthstone) Bonk Post Priest VS Warrior but rather this new curse warlock deck with the curse of agony card for the new hearthstone mini set, onyxias lair! If you love this deck you’ll also love You Won’t BELIEVE This BUSTED New Deck!! | Hearthstone
#HearthstoneMiniSet #OnyxiasLair #FunkiMonki