Quest Thief Priest is an EASY CLIMB that CRUSHES DREAMS.

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The latest Castle Nathria deck I played is this Renathal Quest Priest by GameResearcher that hit Top 100 Legend. It’s got a pretty typical Quest Priest package combined with a lot of cool new Nathria cards and thief cards to increase its reliability.

Deck List:
Deck Code: AAECAcOPBBLg5QOZ6wOa6wPU7QOm7wPd9gOMgQToiwSFowTUrATWrATlsATHsgSotgSY1AS42QSX7wSIpAULnusDh/cDrYoEiqMEobYE+dsEuNwEutwEkt8EhoMFhqQFAA==
Deck Power Level: Hopeful
Guide to Deck Power Levels:

0:00 Deck Introduction
3:06 Gameplay

#CastleNathria #CastleNathriaDecks #regiskillbin

Hearthstone | Deck Spotlight | Quest Thief Priest is an EASY CLIMB that crushes dreams.