I made some VERY big minions. (and had a rant)

Turbulus is the new Tourist for Shaman, and he provides some nice buffs to Battlecry cards along with access to Hunter’s Battlecry package, making this deck a high synergy powerhouse when you hit everything early.

Deck List: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAdfwBAiW1ATkmAaopQbUpQavwQa6zgat4QbM4QYL5eQF7JUG0J4Gz6UGpKcG06cGgbgGw74G0MAGjMEG0dAGAAA%3D
Power Level Estimate: This deck is definitely not meta material quite yet, but it had a solid enough run for me in my 11x Bonus MMR bracket. When things line up, it can absolutely dominate, but when they don’t, it definitely falls behind fast without a lot of recovery tools.

0:00 Deck Introduction
1:04 Deck Gameplay
37:18 Mini-Set Rant
42:11 More Gameplay

Deck Spotlight | Hearthstone | I made some VERY big minions. (and had a rant)