Highlander Priest Deck List ► Hearthstone Standard: Perils in Paradise 30.4

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Deck’s Full Info:
Hearthstone: Perils in Paradise, Patch 30.4
Highlander Priest
Class: Priest
Format: Standard
Year of the Pegasus
1x (1) Giftwrapped Whelp
1x (1) Psychic Conjurer
1x (1) Ship’s Chirurgeon
1x (2) Creation Protocol
1x (2) False Disciple
1x (2) Watcher of the Sun
1x (2) Whelp Wrangler
1x (3) Benevolent Banker
1x (3) Fly Off the Shelves
1x (3) Gorgonzormu
1x (3) Holy Nova
1x (3) Madame Lazul
1x (3) Rustrot Viper
1x (3) Starlight Whelp
1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager
1x (3) Razorscale
1x (3) Rustrot Viper
1x (4) Puppet Theatre
1x (4) Glowstone Gyreworm
1x (4) Ignis, the Eternal Flame
1x (4) Puppet Theatre
1x (4) Shadow Word: Ruin
1x (4) Time-Lost Protodrake
1x (5) Shadow Word: Steal
1x (5) Timewinder Zarimi
1x (6) Clay Matriarch
1x (6) Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot
1x (6) Ra-den
1x (7) Aman’Thul
1x (8) Elise, Badlands Savior
1x (9) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
1x (4) Virus Module
1x (5) Perfect Module
1x (10) Reno, Lone Ranger
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